At, we arrange various Loans for Warehouse, Cold storage & Logistics business up to Rs. 25 Crores, from our lending partners in India. With our 10 plus years of expertise in finance, we understand needs of Logistic sector well & we are better equipped to extend customized solutions for our customers in this field. Along with arranging fresh loans ,we are also expert in refinancing existing loans to ease repayment burden.
We arrange following loans for Warehouse & Cold storage business:
1) Fresh Term loan Or Line of Credit for Warehouse:
2) Loan against warehouse receipts :
Many warehouse properties are given on leased basis to listed companies or multinationals. This is one of the lucrative business in India now a days. Lease rental discounting ,also called LRD loan, is comparatively easy way of obtaining finance from banks & NBFCs, against warehouse receipts. This loan is sanctioned based upon the future monthly rental income over a period of time and market valuation of warehouse property offered as collateral. It is the consideration between the borrower who owns the warehouse premises, the tenant who has taken the said premises on lease and the bank or financial institution which is willing to finance against warehouse receipts. This type of warehouse lending can be in form of term loan or line of credit or overdraft. Loan amount is available from Rs. 25 lacs to Rs.50 crores, with processing time of 10-15 days. gives you easy access to LRD loan through highly simplified online application form, online documentation & easy loan process.
3) Refinance of existing loan to reduce obligation :
When the cash flow of warehouse or logistics business does not match with loan repayment schedule, it becomes difficult to repay the loan on time. In such situations, refinance of existing loans by takeover for higher tenure (10-15 yrs) with lower rate of interest is lucrative option. . It will help the business to reduce obligation for repayment of loan, without affecting credibility. For example: Current outstanding of the loan is Rs.12 crores, to be repaid in next 3 years i.e. Repayment obligation is Rs.4 cr per year plus interest. Refinance by new institution for 12 years with lower interest, will give new obligation of Rs.1 crores per year plus interest. Time required for such loan transfer is 15- 25 working days.
4) Consolidation of many loans in to one loan:
If the business has many loans going on (Project loans / Unsecured Loans /Machinery Loans) of different amounts and different tenures, consolidation all these loans in one loan for easy repayment and possibly making some properties free, is the lucrative option. Also, with such consolidation, Warehouse,Cold storage, Logistics business will save on interest cost. Time required for such loan consolidation is 15-30 working days.
5) Top up on existing loan:
Sometimes, due to any reasons, existing banker does not support warehouse & logistics business for requirement of extra funds. In this case, transfer of existing loan to new financer with top up loan on existing outstanding, without taking additional security, is the option which can be worked out.
6) Unsecured loans for Warehouse, cold storage & logistic business :
We arrange unsecured loan (without any property collateral) for warehouse & logistic business from Rs.10 lacs to 2 crores. These funds can be used for any purpose of the business & is available for businesess which has minimum stability of 3 years. Time required to arrange such unsecured loans is 5-10 working days.